Place: Metallurgical Collection, Miskolc (Miskolc-Felsőhámor, Palota utca 22. H-3517 )
The permanent exhibition of the museum introduces the visitors to the history of Hungarian and international metallurgy from ancient times to the end of the 20th century. The historical development of metallurgy is presented in technological succession (iron production, steel-making, forging, and making) in four exhibition rooms. Functioning models, mock-ups, and dioramas vividly present technologies and methods of metallurgy from different ages.
The permanent exhibition hosts several unique pieces: two special furnaces (the so called “buca” type) from around the 10–12th centuries, disclosed in Imola and Kőszegfalva, shown in their original circumstances; the world-famous steel chisel can also be found here, which was used to regulate the Sub-Danube.
Our visitors may have an insight in the role and relevance of iron filled in in human history, in the technical, economical, cultural development initiated by it, and in the difficult but noble work which is connected to the utilisation of the metals.